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Regular blog posts can be highly valuable

Regular blog posts can be highly valuable for businesses in terms of both importance and business benefits. Here are some key points to understand:

Establishing Thought Leadership: Regular blog posts provide a platform for businesses to share their expertise, insights, and industry knowledge. By consistently publishing high-quality content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields. This enhances their credibility and reputation among customers, peers, and industry professionals.

Increasing Website Traffic: Blogs are an effective tool for driving traffic to a company’s website. When businesses consistently publish valuable content, it attracts readers and encourages them to visit the website for more information. With proper optimization and promotion, blog posts can also improve search engine rankings, leading to increased organic traffic.

Boosting Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines value fresh and relevant content. By regularly updating a blog, businesses can keep their websites active and signal to search engines that their site is regularly maintained. Blog posts also provide opportunities to target specific keywords, incorporate internal and external links, and engage in other SEO strategies, thereby improving the overall visibility and ranking of the website.

Engaging with the Audience: Blogs facilitate direct communication and engagement with the target audience. Through comments, social media shares, and feedback, businesses can interact with readers, gain valuable insights, and build a community around their brand. This engagement fosters customer loyalty, encourages repeat visits, and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Generating Leads and Conversions: Blogs are a powerful tool for lead generation. By creating valuable content and including relevant calls-to-action (CTAs) within blog posts, businesses can convert readers into leads. CTAs can prompt readers to subscribe to newsletters, download resources, request product demonstrations, or make purchases. Regular blog posts keep the audience engaged and nurtures potential customers through the sales funnel.

Showcasing Products or Services: Blog posts provide businesses with a platform to showcase their products or services in a more informative and engaging way. By creating content that highlights the benefits, use cases, and success stories related to their offerings, businesses can effectively demonstrate their value proposition and influence purchasing decisions.

Building Brand Awareness: Consistent blogging helps build brand awareness by increasing the visibility of the business and its offerings. When businesses share their expertise, insights, and unique perspectives through blog posts, they establish their brand identity and differentiate themselves from competitors. Over time, this helps in creating brand recognition and recall among the target audience.

Supporting Social Media Strategy: Blogs serve as a valuable source of content for social media platforms. Each blog post can be shared across various social media channels, driving traffic back to the website and expanding the reach of the content. This synergy between blogs and social media strengthens the overall online presence and marketing efforts of the business.

In summary, regular blog posts are crucial for businesses as they establish thought leadership, increase website traffic, boost SEO, engage with the audience, generate leads, showcase products/services, build brand awareness, and support social media strategies. These benefits collectively contribute to business growth, customer acquisition, and brand positioning in the market.

Brand Visibility vs Brand Awareness vs Brand Perception

Brand Visibility, Brand Awareness, and Brand Perception are all important aspects of a brand’s identity and its relationship with consumers. While they are related, they each represent distinct concepts. Let’s explore them individually:

Brand Visibility: Brand visibility refers to the extent to which a brand is exposed to the target audience or the general public. It is about ensuring that a brand is easily noticeable and recognizable in the marketplace. Brand visibility can be achieved through various marketing and advertising strategies, such as digital marketing campaigns, social media presence, traditional advertising channels, sponsorships, events, and product placements. The goal of brand visibility is to increase the brand’s exposure and reach, allowing it to capture the attention of potential customers.

Brand Awareness: Brand awareness goes beyond brand visibility. It represents the level of recognition and familiarity that consumers have with a particular brand. It reflects how well consumers can identify a brand and its products or services when they encounter them. Brand awareness can be measured through various metrics, such as aided and unaided brand recall, brand recognition, and brand associations. Building brand awareness requires consistent and targeted marketing efforts to establish a brand’s presence in the minds of consumers and differentiate it from competitors.

Brand Perception: Brand perception refers to the subjective opinions, beliefs, and attitudes that consumers hold about a brand. It is influenced by consumers’ experiences, interactions, and overall impression of the brand. Brand perception encompasses factors such as brand reputation, perceived quality, trustworthiness, brand personality, and emotional connections. Positive brand perception can lead to increased customer loyalty, advocacy, and positive word-of-mouth. It can be shaped through branding strategies, product/service quality, customer service, and public relations efforts.

While brand visibility, brand awareness, and brand perception are distinct concepts, they are interconnected. Increased brand visibility can contribute to higher brand awareness by exposing more people to the brand. Enhanced brand awareness, in turn, can positively influence brand perception by establishing familiarity and credibility. Brand perception, however, is shaped not only by visibility and awareness but also by consumers’ experiences and interactions with the brand.

Successful brand management involves a comprehensive approach that considers all three aspects and strives to create a positive brand image in the minds of consumers.

Regenerate response


Introduction to Omnichannel Marketing

Omnichannel Marketing is about creating a seamless and consistent customer experience across all channels and devices. By enabling customers to engage with your brand at any point in their journey, you can provide them with relevant information, personalized offers, and a sense of familiarity. This results in improved customer loyalty, increased sales, and better overall business performance.

Adopting an Omnichannel Marketing strategy requires businesses to break down silos between various departments, integrate data from different sources, and invest in technology that supports cross-channel communication. It also involves understanding the behavior of today’s connected consumers who expect a high level of convenience and flexibility when interacting with brands.

In contrast to multi-channel marketing which involves using multiple channels to interact with customers without integration between them, Omnichannel Marketing provides customers with a cohesive brand experience irrespective of the channel they choose for engagement.

A major coffee retail chain adopted omnichannel marketing by integrating its mobile app with its loyalty program. The company was able to send personalized offers via push notifications based on customer purchases both online and in-store. This integrated approach resulted in higher customer satisfaction levels and a revenue increase of 15%.

Omnichannel marketing: when your customers can’t escape your brand, even if they wanted to.

Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing
To fully understand how to improve your marketing strategy, you need to consider omnichannel marketing with its different aspects. In order to achieve this, you need to first understand the Benefits of Omnichannel Marketing and how it can help your business. By implementing this approach, you can increase customer engagement, improve customer experience, generate higher revenue, and enhance brand loyalty.

Increased Customer Engagement
To effectively engage customers, businesses must leverage the benefits of omnichannel marketing. By providing a seamless customer experience across various touchpoints, businesses can increase customer engagement. Omnichannel marketing connects with customers on their preferred platforms, whether in-store or online, resulting in increased satisfaction and loyalty.

This approach allows businesses to gather valuable data about their customers’ behavior and preferences. With this information, they can tailor their messaging and offers to better meet their audience’s needs. Furthermore, personalizing communications makes customers feel valued and appreciated, ultimately encouraging long-term relationships.

In today’s digital age, mobile devices are ubiquitous. Optimizing a business’s website for mobile devices and leveraging mobile apps can provide new ways to engage with audiences. Offering convenient mobile payment options is also an effective way to foster engagement among younger generations who value speed and convenience.

Employing chatbots or artificial intelligence (AI) technology helps streamline communication between businesses and customers by providing 24/7 support for frequently asked questions while freeing up staff time. Additionally, using social media channels to interact with audiences offers another opportunity to boost engagement by responding quickly to inquiries or complaints.

Overall, an omnichannel marketing strategy enhances customer connection through personalized experiences. This approach results in greater engagement leading to increased sales opportunities and brand loyalty for the long term.

How to Get More Targeted Traffic to Your Website

How to Get More Targeted Traffic to Your Website

1. Optimize Your Website for SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This will help you get more targeted traffic from people who are searching for specific keywords related to your industry or niche. Make sure you use relevant keywords throughout your content, optimize images and videos, create quality backlinks, and keep an up-to-date blog with fresh content.

2. Use Social Media Platforms: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn can be great sources of targeted traffic if used correctly. Share informative content that resonates with your target audience and engage regularly with users through comments and messages. Promote special offers or discounts on social media to encourage followers to visit your website for a chance at exclusive deals!

3. Utilize Pay Per Click Advertising: Pay per click (PPC) advertising is one of the fastest ways to drive targeted traffic to your site quickly and efficiently without having to wait weeks or months for organic SEO efforts to take effect. By using PPC ads on popular search engines like Google AdWords or Bing Ads you can target customers based on their location, interests or other criteria which allows you maximize ROI by targeting only those potential customers most likely interested in what you have offer!
4. Leverage Influencers & Partnerships: Working with influencers who already have a large following is a great way for businesses looking to gain more visibility online while also reaching out directly into their target audiences’ personal networks – increasing brand awareness exponentially!

Additionally partnering up with other businesses within similar industries can also prove beneficial as it allows you access each other’s customer bases creating twice the exposure than going solo would provide!

What is Search Engine Optimization : Three building blocks

What is Search Engine Optimization : Three building blocks

SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial or natural search results on search engines. All major companies that have websites are traceable online when people search information on major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. These search engines have primary search results where web pages and other contents such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to the users.
In general, the earlier and more frequently the site appears in search results list, the more visitors it will receive from search engine users. As an internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engine works, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords and which engines their targeted audience prefers. SEO may target different kinds of search including image search, local search, video search, academic search, industry search etc.

The main questions is how will make your content optimum for SEO. The key is the three building blocks of SEO or the three ‘C’s which are content, code and credibility.

1. Content:

Having a good, relevant content is extremely essential factor. Without the keyword loaded HTML text on all key pages it is not possible for search engine spiders to read the content. In order to show up in the top 10 search engine results, it is important to ensure your target phrases are fixed evenly throughout the page.

2. Code:
With the explosion of database-driven content management systems (CMS) and WYSIWYG editors, much of the source code behind a Web site that helps define the content and layout is inept. The ideal solution to ensure search engines systematically index your site is, to design it to widely accepted Web standards. To round out source code optimization, ensure that every page has keyword-optimized title, META and ALT tags.

3. Credibility or page rank
The best way to do that is to acquire links from relevant industry sites that are ideally popular and are visible in search for your target terms. The more popular and relevant a site is that links to you, the higher your link credibility will be with Google.

Thus with these 3 ‘C’s, your website is more likely to increase in search engine visibility.


Outbound marketing Vs Inbound Marketing

Outbound marketing Vs Inbound Marketing

While some people feel that one can make a valid comparison between the traditional outbound method of marketing and the new inbound marketing, these two methods of marketing are actually meant to complement each other rather than be chosen against each other. Those business owners and employees who truly wish to benefit from the process of marketing as a whole have to ensure that they draw a smart balance between both these methods of marketing. While these two methods follow very different rather opposite methods of marketing, when combined to complement each other they can both prove to be very beneficial for companies which are willing to put in a balanced effort towards the progress and profitability of their company.


So if you have been thinking of which one to choose out of the two you would rather spend time in deciding on how to use both methods in a balanced way.


Benefits of Social Media Marketing : inbound Marketing

Benefits of Social Media Marketing : inbound Marketing

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. Social media itself is a catchy term for sites that may provide different social actions. For example, Twitter is a social site designed to let people share short messages or “Tweets” with others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.

Social media often feeds into the unearthing of new content such as news stories. Social media can also help build links that in turn support into SEO efforts. Many people all across the globe right from Houston, Texas to India perform searches at social media sites to find social media content. Most of the top entrepreneurs consider social media marketing as the next big thing!

Here is a look at some of the ways in which social media marketing can benefit your business.

1. Increased brand appreciation
Your social media networks are just new channels for your brand’s voice and content. This is important because it simultaneously makes you easier and more accessible for new customers, and makes you more familiar and recognizable for existing customers.
2. Improved brand loyalty
Brands who engage on social media channels enjoy higher loyalty from their customers.
3. More opportunities to convert
Every blog post, image, video, or comment you share is a chance for someone to react, and every reaction could lead to a site visit, and eventually a conversion.
4. Higher conversion rates
With more opportunities to convert, conversion rates will also increase. Simply building your audience in social media can improve conversion rates on your existing traffic.
5. Higher brand influence
The more people that are talking about you on social media, the more valuable and authoritative your brand will seem to new users.
6. Increased inbound traffic
The more quality content you syndicate on social media, the more inbound traffic you’ll generate, and more traffic means more leads and more conversions.
7. Decreased marketing costs
If you can lend just one hour a day to developing your content and syndication strategy, you could start seeing the results of your efforts. This in turn will automatically reduce the marketing costs
8. Better search engine ranking
If you want to rank for a given set of keywords, having a strong social media presence could be almost obligatory. This will surely increase the search engine ranking.
In this way, your business can benefit from social media marketing and establish as a brand in the business world.

path to social media marketing

What does Google Panda update mean ?

Panda 4.0 didn’t just punish, it also rewarded sites that may have been unduly affected in previous refreshes.

We did our own in-depth research with our own resources and have noticed that majority of the sites we are optimizing weren’t affected at all by this update by Google. This is how one should prevent small businesses like you being negatively affected by Panda 4.0 or future Panda updates.

• Focus on high quality web content – Do you have redundant text content on your blog? Time to clean it up! You should not be duplicating text content throughout your website or blogs.

• Avoid web site over-optimization – It may feel nice to add a keyword to every sentence, title tag, header tag and description. But that’s not going to cut it these days. Focus on quality and useful text content and readability.

• Maintain a useable website – We mean it! Your site should be easy to navigate and fast to load. Your pages should load quickly. You shouldn’t have broken images, links, or errors on the site. Google has been saying for years that usability will affect your ability to rank.

The good news is that for those who have focused on high quality, well writtenweb and blog content while keeping their audience firmly in focus, not much appears to have changed. And with Google focusing so heavily on quality content as a rank increases, it doesn’t look like it’s going to change anytime soon.

google panda  hummingbird updates

Inbound Marketing Online

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing and advertising strategy, which is mainly focused to promote or advertise a company or organization. Many companies use this strategy in order to promote themselves in the business market. The main components that the companies use in the inbound marketing strategy are eBooks, videos, podcast, e-newsletters, blogs, social media marketing, SEO and many more. This marketing strategy mostly is the content marketing strategy wherein the customers are attracted to your business website through attractive and relevant content in your business website. The benefit that the advertisers rip through the inbound marketing strategy is that they are able to bring their targeted audience closer to the brand though this method. America’s online marketing strategist David Meerman Scott said that inbound marketing strategy is more result oriented than that of the traditional way of advertisement. Though this method of marketing is complex it targets potential customers at different levels of brand or product awareness.


There is a very popular proverb that we use every day – “Sharing is caring”. One of the online marketing strategies, inbound marketing, uses this proverb for advertisement. The term inbound marketing is basically coined by Brian Halligan, the CEO and co-founder of Cambridge-based internet marketing company HubSpot. This marketing srategy is similar in concept to that of the permission marketing concept. The main platform of inbound marketing is to promote the product or service or the company through the content in the website. The inbound marketing strategy makes the promotion more relevant and attractive to the customers rather than that of being interruptive. Thanks to the right content that is placed at a right time in the right place. Five major themes of inbound marketing strategy are creation of the content, lifecycle marketing, personalization, multi-channel and integration. The inbound marketing strategy follow four marketing actions, which are attract, convert, close and delight.


What Do CMO’s See As Their Biggest Challenges?

According to a recent IBM Survey:

Growth of Channels and Devices – connecting all of the various sales, marketing and business
intelligence systems to enable a coherent flow of information and analysis where and when it’s
Customer Collaboration and Influence – building relationships between customers, sales teams
and customer service reps and delivering the right information to increase sales and reduce churn
Targeting – delivering the right content at the right time to support the purchase decisions of
potential customers and upgrade candidates
Big Data – leveraging proprietary and external data sources to quickly gather and analyze
marketing data to streamline sales and customer service processes and increase revenues
ROI Accountability – enabling executives to understand the value of marketing initiatives and
channels and make the right decisions
Alignment – making sure that sales and marketing messaging, qualification criteria and data
exchange are on the same page
Expertise – According to Forrester, 40% of CMOs state that their number one area in which to
improve board level influence is technology-savviness

B2B Sales cycle stats